Financial aid is any funding that helps you pay for the cost of tuition and fees for your education. You apply for financial aid at, and you complete the FAFSA application, which is the Free Application for Federal Student Aid.
It takes approximately 48 to 72 hours for your FAFSA to process, at which time we will review your eligibility, and then a financial aid team member will contact you to go over your funding options and review your responsibilities.
If you have questions, you can contact your financial aid advisor who will walk you through the process and answer your questions.
There could be other ways to pay for your school outside of financial aid. What we recommend is that you contact your guidance counselors to see what’s available to you.
On the main campus, we offer merit based scholarships based off of your high school GPA. There are also scholarships based off of your major, as well as athletic scholarships based off the sport that you play.
We also provide details, including application deadlines for over 100 external scholarship opportunities on our website at
Financial Aid
Post University helps you explore all your funding options for learning.
- Financial aid is funding for the cost of education
- Post will help you take it step-by-step
- Complete your Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA)
- Within 72 hours, Post receives your FAFSA information
- Post then contacts you about your financial aid package
- May include loan, grant, and scholarship options
- Review your options and responsibilities
- Sign off on your financial aid package